Tonight I was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft!
It was an absolutely amazing experience! I cannot even describe how amazing the experience was!
At supper my anxiety over proving up grew and grew but as soon as the W.M called me to the alter to give back my profficiency in the 1st my nervousness dissapeared and i just started giving it!
Afterwards I had serveral brothers approach me and tell me it had been one of the best they had heard. What an amazing and flattering thing to hear from some members who have been around for over 50 years. I couldn't believe how flawlessly I was able to give my proffiency with all those eyes on me. It made my heart feel wonderful knowing I was showing the brethren of the lodge and visiting DDGM and his entourage the respect they deserve, and the fraternity deserved by doing the absolute best I could to give a flawless performance.
The DDGM also presented me with my lapel pin at the supper before the meeting, and I am SUPER excited that I get to wear that now!
This time around I was able to absorb much more of the ritual because I was not as nervous. I will have to let it all soak in over the next few days before I can make hide nor hair of the lessons taught but for now I will just enjoy the fact that it was an amazing evening. I'm exhausted!
I just want to take a minute to sincerly thank the brethren of my lodge for the awesome job they did and for all the time and effort they have been putting into this to make it such an excellent experience for me.
I also have a picture of myself with the degree team but would like to ask their permission before I post it on here.