Monday 17 October 2011

And The Lodge Is Returned To Light

Good evening everyone!

Sorry for the lapse in entries! I have been spending my time preparing to prove up in the 1st degree! My lodge will be returning to work officially tomorrow. (I know it seems late but as I live in a farming community, our recess is a little longer as most members are harvesting their crops in September.)

I am very excited to get back into lodge and experience more of just what this "Masonry" is all about.

I am a little dissapointed however, I found out last night that I would not be recieving the 2nd degree tomorrow night as someone who plays a large role in the degree backed out, and they could not find a replacement. But such is the way of things I suppose! All in due time!

Thinking about it, it does kind of make me nervous, as IF I do recieve the 2nd degree at Novembers meeting, I may be recieving the 3rd in December and as December is a busy time for the lodge, there may be quite a few people visiting our lodge.

I am a little leery about having my 2nd degree moved to November however as I do not want any of the 1st degree obligation to slip from my mind before I prove up. I just spent the entire weekened refreshing it and rehearsing it, and getting it just right. I suppose we will see how it ends up!

Be expecting more post and entries from myself, as I get back into the swing of things with regards to Freemasonry.

For now, good night, and thanks for reading!