Wednesday, 20 April 2011

The Past pt 1

I wanted to create a journal to chronicle this amazing journey that I am about to embark on. A road, really that I have been travelling on for about 5 years. A road that is about to take me down a highway to enlightenment. I am going to present this as a story on the road through my mind, thoughts and feelings from learning about freemasonry to finding out about it, to petitioning, to the news that my ballot was affirmative (which is where I stand today)

I will start at the beginning of my journey.

Freemasonry. That's that secret society right? A bunch of elite people? People who are in power. Judges, politicians, police, businessmen? I seen the movies, conspiracies, evil plots of world domination, sacrificial goats, pentagrams, demon worship, that stuff that makes you sleep with the covers drawn over your eyes.


I worked with a master mason. That's high up. I Asked him about it once. The reply I got was "Yeah I am a mason." That was all. It was like a cliffhanger at the end of a chapter, but with no answer on the next page.

My tattooists' business partner was a mason.
They accept tattooists' amongst their elite ranks?
The Work you have to do to get in is incredible, but when you are in...
A social network?

What is it all about?

Life takes over...
Curiosity fades...

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